Friday, November 28, 2008

In the Darkness

It had been a while since I last meditated, too long really, with the semester starting to close, I've simply had other things on my mind. Part of it is because I don't have any good places to really meditate, it's too cold. Eventually I forced myself to finally meditate. I found a quite place in my house after hours, turned off all the lights, and in the darkness I sat and meditated for 15 minutes. Meditating in darkness is a bit different than doing it outside in my usual places. I usually like looking at my surroundings randomly during my sessions. But now it was darkness, it was all quiet. I kept my focus on my breathing and on my posture, I tried more specifically to not think about anything, but to just exist. After the meditation I decided that it was time to lay down and I wanted to see if it was easy to fall asleep after meditating. (I normally have some insomnia problems) -Turns out that sleeping on an open mind doesn't help. Too bad.

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