Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Going back

This week’s meditation starting moving in good steps; before I went to meditate I knew that I had a lot of work I needed to do, both that night and for the rest of the week. I was starting to get frustrated and stressed out, and eventually I said, “I just need to go meditate.” This is interesting because I feel that most other people who are giving meditation a try find it hard to meditate because they don’t have time to do it, they are too busy. But I think that is exactly what meditation can be good for. Clear your thoughts, take your mind off of your tasks that you need to do and just focus, clear your mind out. After meditation I find myself thinking more clearly, I can keep my naturally ADD mind on a single topic instead of having to constantly go through episodes where I think about 10 things at once, which will most likely give you a headache. As I meditated today I reflected on many things, I cleaned out the ‘trash can’ of my mind. As I meditate I continue to remind myself of things that I used to love to do so much. I went back to my summer after freshman year of GC, and I remembered how much I loved to go down to the tree-filled creek by my Illinois farmhouse. Shady Groove is what I called it, and I remember how peaceful it was down there. I remembered how much I love to get on rooftops. I remembered how nice it is to lie down in the grass. I remembered that frustration and stress is something that you create for yourself, and you can just as easily get rid of it. So meditation is continuing to be an enriching experience for me, I look forward to doing it again next week.

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