Sunday, September 21, 2008


This week for my meditation I decided to revisit my last meditation location because I was happy with the results from the previous experience. This session started off very well, I'm beginning to fall into the state of relaxation faster and faster each time. I feel that it is becoming pretty obvious that the more you do it, and the more effort you put into it, the better it will be each time. I thought many thoughts, classes, friends, nature, bicycles, SST. The mind is a like a library of millions of free flying thoughts, thoughts which fly randomly in a pattern. I eventually started concentration on beauty. What is beauty? What do I think of when I think of beauty? What do others think of? There are many different kinds of beauty in the world. A person can be described as beautiful, and a mountain can be described as beautiful. However, those are two different kinds of beauty, they describe different things, they define different realities.
After a while I started to think about relationships, relationships I have with the people I know, and relationships that other people have with others. No relationship is the same, a relationship holds an incredulous number of elements that will never be able to be put into words of description, relationships are beautiful.
I left my meditation slightly early this week. I left this meditation with many questions, questions that I wanted to be answered. In a sense it almost troubled me. I thought about how we overcome troubles as I rode my bike back to my room. Again it was peaceful.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Getting off my feet

It has been about 2 weeks since I first mediated. My last session went very well in comparison to the previous one. I still find it quite ironic that the semester that I start mediating is the same semester that I have a class that basically requires it (The first time I meditated was the day before it was given as an assignment in class). I guess I'm not complaining.

This week I decided to go somewhere on campus that was really special to me, a place where I have previously gone to when I need to think. I call it my 'favorite spot.' Needless to say this helped me out a great deal. Not only was I inspired to relax and enjoy the environment around me, but it also helped me in the sense that I was less conscious of being disturbed by other people. I tried not to think of time, I didn't want to be timing myself, I simply wanted to meditate.

During the time I spent meditating I focused on my posture and my breathing. Thousands of thoughts raced through my head, everything seemed random. I felt at peace. After I was done I felt great, I was calm. I rode my bike home only to find out how much I love riding my bicycle at night, its the most peaceful thing. I was in a great mood, I was relaxed, and my thoughts were so much more organized and focused. I really had a positive experience with my last meditation session, this is something that I wish I had been doing for years.